about me

Hey y’all!

I’m Alexandra Johnson, but I go by Alex (Alexandra is a little formal for me).

I am a 21-year-old junior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, otherwise and more casually known as UNC.

After months of trying to figure out my major and minor, I finally narrowed it down to a major in media and journalism focusing on public relations and a minor in musical theatre performance. I chose public relations to relate to the public and chose musical theatre simply because I love it.

It’s crazy to think that my college years are coming to a close, while still feeling stuck in the unknown. I’ve never been the person who knows what their true passion is, making it difficult to narrow down what I want to do for the rest of my life. I love many things, which sometimes can be seen as a downfall, but lately I’ve been seeing it as an opportunity.

A few things I love

  • talking, talking and more talking (soon to be podcast host so this will hopefully come in handy!)
  • trying new things
  • trying new restaurants and foods
  • belting music in the car
  • taking pictures of food
  • to sing and perform on stage
  • health and wellness
  • fashion
  • animals (specifically German Shepherd dogs)

I believe that loving various things only opens the door to a plethora of different opportunities. I’d rather be passionate about multiple things and not just one!